Junto a la aparición de varias novelas en formato ebook como Sword of the Gods: Spinner of Lies o Shadowbane: Eye of Justice (y que pertenecen a sus propias series en formato físico), llegará a las tiendas la cuarta entrega de "The Sage of Shadowdale", la continuación de las aventuras de Elminster, el mago más poderoso de Faerûn a manos de su creador Ed Greenwood, cuyas novelas ambientadas en la cuarta edición del juego de rol de "Dungeons & Dragons" permanecen aún inéditas en castellano (podéis leer una reseña de Elminster. La Forja de un Mago en estas líneas). Por otro lado, Lisa Smedman presenta una nueva novela, The Gilded Rune, mientras que R. A. Salvatore nos brinda la tercera entrega de su trilogía "Neverwinter", protagonizada por el elfo oscuro Drizzt Do'Urden (anteriores entregas publicadas en castellano por Timun Mas). Más información y portadas:
Commanded by the vestige of Mystra to work together, Manshoon and Elminster engage instead in a ferocious battle that sends the Sage plummeting into the Underdark as a cloud of ashes. Elminster soon inhabits the body of a fallen dark elf, so that he can begin carrying out Mystra's orders to rally Cormyr's Wizards of War, seek blueflame items to mend immense rifts throughout the realms that are releasing deadly monsters, and prevent the ancient Primordials from rising and unleashing their rage. But his sworn archenemy, Manshoon, has plans as well: to conquer Cormyr and be the new Emperor, and hunt down the Sage's clones. The battles are fierce, the stakes have never been higher, and the fate of Cormyr is on the line. Meanwhile, War Wizards are being mysteriously assassinated...
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A Land of Untold Adventure.
Welcome to Faerûn, a land of magic and intrigue, brutal violence and divine compassion, where gods have ascended and died, and mighty heroes have risen to fight terrifying monsters. Here, millennia of warfare and conquest have shaped dozens of unique cultures, raised and leveled shining kingdoms and tyrannical empires alike, and left long forgotten, horror-infested ruins in their wake.
Here, follow Demascus -- deva assassin of the gods -- on his next harrowing adventure that will have a devastating impact throughout the Underdark!
A plague that turns dwarves to stone...
A race of people, said to be forged from precious metal, face a devastating disease. Stoneplague. Once afflicted, the suffering is agony. Eyes become opaque and glassy, skin flakes off in scales, bones fuse into an immovable skeleton, and blood turns dark and muddy. Death comes when the heart stops beating and hardens into stone. And the plague is spreading.
A dwarven soul in human form...
Torrin Ironstar is a delver, an adventurer whose daft quest to find the Soulforge in Faerûn invites ridicule and scorn. But he’s used to that. He’s an outsider, a human who believes he’s really a dwarf, right down to the silver hammers in his beard.
An impossible puzzle...
The other citizens in Eartheart shun him, suspicious of his true intentions. Little do they know, Torrin holds the key to the cure, if only he can figure it out in time. But time is running out.
After a hundred years, Jack Ravenwild—thief, sorcerer, scoundrel, and accidental hero—is released from a magical confinement, only to fall into the hands of the marquise Dresimil Chûmavh, ruler of an exiled drow clan who sees an opportunity in Jack.
Through guile and subterfuge, the wily Jack escapes the drow to discover a new world waiting in his old stomping grounds, Raven's Bluff, a city equally abounding in fortune and danger. Unfortunately for Jack, he is best at stirring up the latter. His former archenemy the Warlord Myrkyssa Jelan is at large, and she isn't the type to forgive and forget. And worst of all, the drow aren't done with Jack and they mean to get him back.
Created in conjunction with the latest update for the Dungeons & Dragons Online game, this exciting adventure continues the story of Sabira from The Shard Axe, featuring an underground expedition in dark caverns, powerful artifacts, and drow intrigue.
Follow the epic adventure of the world’s most famous drow, Drizzt Do’Urden, as he draws his scimitars once more to aid a new friend and an old foe in this action-packed conclusion to the New York Times best-selling Neverwinter Saga.
The tale of a never-say-die hero struggling against the forces of evil in a world full of peril. Kalen Dren, the vigilante paladin who calls himself Shadowbane, has turned his back on a life of crime and selfishness to chart a new course with the aid of the sword Vindicator, once wielded by the vanished God of Guardians himself. He will face legions of enemies and ultimately struggle with his own dualistic nature: the bright, goodly paladin and the dark, pragmatic assassin.
3 comentarios
Todos tienen buenas portadas, pero el que me llama la atención es Prince of Ravens. Buen tema.
Saludos con alas.
Qué buena pinta tiene el de Elminster Encabronado xD
El de Lisa Smedman me gusta mucho la portada, me recuerda a los libros clásicos de Reinos.
Qué pena que todo esto se quede fuera de nuestras fronteras :(
Sí, el de Lisa Smedman es de esas novelas de cuarta edición que ahora son como las de tercera y segunda en su momento, lo que pasa es que aún no he leído ninguna, no sé si esta valdrá la pena o que, aunque la premisa me parece atractiva.
Por supuesto, "Elminster de mala leche" también promete. XD Tampoco he leído ninguno de los anteriores, ¡habrá que ponerse con ellos!
Lo bueno es que todos estos libros son muy fáciles de conseguir, encima son más baratos y no tienen problemas de traducción. Dudo que se publiquen alguna vez si se quedaron fuera en su momento tanto "Elminster in Hell" como "Elminster's Daughter". Pero igualmente los libros en castellano de franquicia son carísimos. Siempre pensaré en ellos como lo que son, libros-hamburguesa, lecturas pulp que vienen a montones para consumir sin pretensiones. Más allá de eso no deberían costar más de seis o siete euros.
Hace mucho tiempo que no oyes el suave sonido de la pluma rasgando el pergamino, así que busca en la estantería más cercana y recita los versos apropiados, pero sé cuidadoso o terminarás en la sección prohibida. ¡Por Crom! Los dioses del acero te lo agradecerán.