Por otro lado, Del Rey reedita en formato de bolsillo (mass market paperback) las novelas Revan, de Drew Karpyshyn (tercera entrega de los libros ambientados en el videojuego "The Old Republic"), y Conviction, de Aaron Allston, séptima entrega de la serie "Fate of the Jedi", ambientada más de cuarenta años después de la Batalla de Yavin.
Finalmente, Dark Horse publica un volumen en tapa dura con la saga al completo de "Crimson Empire", cómics firmados por Mike Richardson y Randy Stradley con dibujo de Pau Gulacy que son todo un clásico en la saga galáctica. Al mismo tiempo, reeditan en un solo volumen la tercera entrega de la colección: Crimson Empire III - Empire Lost. Como siempre, más información de las novedades a continuación:

» Cómic en castellano.
Kerra Holt es un nuevo tipo de jedi, para una nueva era Star Wars.
Más de mil años antes de Luke Skywalker, la galaxia experimenta una época oscura, ya que la ineficaz República abandona a todos los sistemas en manos de los pérfidos Sith. En su primera misión, la joven Jedi Kerra Holt se une, con solo 18 años, a una banda de caballeros voluntarios para desplazarse a territorio enemigo. Kerra cree que está preparada para todo, pero cuando la cosa se recrudece y la dejan sola en zona Sith, se dará cuenta de lo errada que estaba. Sin embargo, no está dispuesta a abandonar.
» Novela en inglés.
There’s something out there:
a juggernaut of evil bearing down to crush the Republic—
unless one lone Jedi, shunned and reviled, can stop it.
Hero, traitor, conqueror, villain, savior—the man called Revan has been all of these. He left Coruscant a Jedi, on a mission to defeat the Mandalorians. He returned a Sith disciple, bent on destroying the Republic. The Jedi Council gave Revan his life back, but the price of redemption was the loss of his memories. All that’s left are nightmares—and deep, abiding fear. What happened beyond the Outer Rim that Revan can’t quite remember or entirely forget? One thing he’s certain of: Something dark is plotting to destroy the very existence of the Republic. With no idea how to identify the threat, let alone stop it, Revan may be doomed to fail. For he’s never faced a more powerful and diabolic enemy. But only death can stop him from trying.
» Novela en inglés.
The Jedi have struck a blow against tyranny. Can they strike down ultimate evil?
Chief of State Natasi Daala has been overthrown, and the Jedi Order has taken control of the Galactic Alliance. But while the new governors dismantle Daala’s draconian regime, forces still loyal to the deposed official are mobilizing a counterstrike. And even the Jedi’s new authority may not be enough to save Tahiri Veila, the former Jedi Knight and onetime Sith apprentice convicted of treason for the killing of Galactic Alliance officer Gilad Pellaeon.
Meanwhile, Luke and Ben Skywalker are relentlessly pursuing Abeloth, the powerful dark-side entity bent on ruling the galaxy. But as they corner their monstrous quarry on the planet Nam Chorios, the two lone Jedi must also face the fury of the Sith death squadron bearing down on them. And when Abeloth turns the tables with an insidious ambush, the Skywalkers’ quest threatens to become a suicide mission.
» Cómic en inglés.
Kir Kanos, the last surviving member of Emperor Palpatine’s Royal Guard, is ready to settle a score with Luke Skywalker and those others whom he blames for the death of his Emperor. But standing in Kanos’s path is his former adversary and almost love interest Mirith Sinn. And both of them have become pawns in a secret plot by an Imperial cabal!
*The final chapter in the Crimson Empire saga!
» Cómic en inglés.
The blood-soaked tale of the last surviving member of Emperor Palpatine’s Royal Guard is now complete in one dust-jacketed hardcover edition! From revenge to redemption, the story of Kir Kanos takes him from the deserts of Yinchorr, to the halls of Imperial power, and to the inner circle of the New Republic. Included are encounters with Darth Vader, Boba Fett, Luke Skywalker, and Leia Organa Solo. An epic tale in one epic tome!
*The complete Crimson Empire Saga in one deluxe edition!
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Hace mucho tiempo que no oyes el suave sonido de la pluma rasgando el pergamino, así que busca en la estantería más cercana y recita los versos apropiados, pero sé cuidadoso o terminarás en la sección prohibida. ¡Por Crom! Los dioses del acero te lo agradecerán.